
The Learning, Teaching and Assessment Newsletter of the Faculty of Science, LJMU



stract #3.1


… to be no more than 647 words.

17th September 2018



It’s  week!

I’m offering a daily Meetoo drop-in at 2pm this week in the Cherie Booth IT Suite, sharing the simplest, quickest, future-proof way to retrofit the system into existing PowerPoint slides. You would need to set up a MeeToo account in advance of the drop-in www.tinyurl.com/ljmumeetoo


Notes for Meetoo users [Thanks to Jim Turner]

 → From 19/9/18 you can log into Meetoo using Canvas credentials.

A bug in Panopto-Meetoo add-in compatibility is fixed by not capturing Powerpoint →




Messages for the start of term


JMSU’s Fresher’s fair is in the

 Echo Arena, Wed Week 1.


The Marybone, Cherie Booth and Upper Peter Jost Lecture Theatres were refurbished over summer. Here’s a Rough Guide to Marybone AV that I’ve prepared. Others to follow here.


Module evaluation is in Wks 9/10. Module leaders should schedule this in timetables for in-class completion to raise response rates.


Use four subheadings in the Assessment section of Module Guides.


Our tutorial scheme has been tweaked to reflect University policy.

School pedagogic seminars and conference funding

The Teaching and Learning Academy will again fund external speakers to deliver School Research and Practice (RAP) Seminars. If you have any ideas for educational topics or external speakers, please let me know.

I’ll continue to advertise pedagogic events through Abstract and we now have means to support these. FMT have set aside £5K for staff to attend pedagogic conferences this academic year and applications can be made to me. If funding is approved you would prepare a short report for sharing via the LTA website on your return.


Academic diary-planners for all Level 3/4 students

Our research indicates that academic diary users expressed more positive sentiments about their first year experience, exhibiting reduced timetabling anxieties and enhanced time management skills. Programme Leaders will encourage diary usage through Personal Tutors by i) inviting students to enter appointments into their diaries ii) demonstrating how to use QR codes iii) asking students to complete the online quiz (p5 of the diaries).


The SeeMyTutor booking system allows staff to advertise slots for ad hoc meetings, appointments agreed with students, appearing in Outlook. The Faculty procedure for Meetings with students outside of contact hours has been updated to reflect this new tool. Key points:


It is recommended staff use See My Tutor and example text for clip frames is shown in Appendix 1.


If you use an online booking tool for student appointments, it must be SeeMyTutor.

Directed Study Weeks from 2019/20

A University task-and-finish group is to be established to determine the future form of Directed Study Weeks. If you would like to contribute to this group, please let me know in the first instance.

STAPES2018 This year’s event and lunch will take place on Thurs Week 7, during Directed Study week. Once again, there will be an opportunity to discuss teaching and assessment in an informal environment, topics being prompted by Annual Teaching Observation, Walkabout Week* and colleagues’ contributions on the day.

For catering purposes, an Outlook invite will be sent (once rooms confirmed).

*Details of Walkabout week will be confirmed in Week 2, TBC by FMT.




Online Learning items


Panopto is now single sign on: If you launch Panopto on an LJMU PC is will sign you in automatically. [Jim Turner]


Skills@LJMU is available via the student homepage and has been overhauled. [Casey Beaumont, Academic Achievement Manager]


Visible Body Anatomy and Physiology is accessible to students and staff onsite and off via OpenAthens find your organisation or the mobile app when on EDUROAM only (and must be renewed in this way every 150 days). [Chris Gillies, EHC Learning Technologist]




Phil Denton, Faculty of Science Associate Dean (Education)


Maintained by SCSADE@ljmu.ac.uk. Last Update: 16/09/2018.