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Faculty of Science

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Information and Resources


LTA updates

15/09/15 Faculty of Science

Learning, Teaching and

Assessment (LTA) Update

Teaching Observation Training

The new University Teaching Observation Scheme recognises the developmental value of observing taught sessions and all members of Faculty teaching staff may now potentially act as observers, after undertaking training.  Staff will normally act as an observer and observee in alternate years, PGCert students being exempt as they have observations embedded within their programme.  HE Review takes place in February 2016 and the QAA will doubtless want to check that our practice is accord with the University Scheme.

The first set of Faculty Teaching Observation Training sessions will take place next week and I would ask you to indicate your availability via the Doodle poll below by Friday 18th September. I will then contact you with an Outlook meeting request so that you may confirm your attendance at the allocated session. The 26 Faculty teaching observers from the previous scheme need not attend training.  If you have undertaken any other teaching observation training previously (e.g. for PGCert observations) then please let me know

Placement Learning Support Unit, PLSU (Thanks to Jamie Fearn)

The PLSU is the new name for the Faculty’s World of Work and Skills Support Unit, managed by Jamie Fearn and located in Room 144 James Parson Building.  The new name reflects the growing profile of placement activity within the Faculty although Jamie’s team are available to provide a range of support to both staff and students.  This may be in terms of developing resources and presenting at induction events, or through meetings with individual students to ensure they realise the full potential of learning activities, including those in the workplace.  For further information, please visit

Funding for attendance at non-subject-specific education-related conferences

Faculty funding is once again available to support attendance at pedagogically-themed conferences that are not specific to a particular academic discipline and for which School funding is not available.  You would be asked to write a short report upon your return for publishing to the Faculty LTA website.  Please submit any requests to me in the first instance

Resources in the new pavilion (thanks to Harry Morton)

The new pavilion at the rear of the James Parson Building is due to open at the start of teaching and here is an inventory of the expected IT and learning resources within the building.  Queries to Harry please:

·         30 networked PCs.  A number of PCs will be of a higher specification to accommodate specialist software, such as CAD.

·         30 non bookable laptops.  There will be a ‘help-yourself’ trolley in the pavilion and the devices will be configured with a similar desktop to a networked PC.  Still to be confirmed regarding what specialist software will be available.

·         Two collaborative desk areas.  These provide full access to a network PC and 42” display panel with inputs for mobile devices.

·         One collaborative seating area with a 50” interactive touch screen.

·         One (or two?) networked printers: We’ve had mixed messages on this but the Faculty have made a case for at least two printers in the new social space.

Learning Catalytics Pilot Study

This Faculty-funded study aims to assess the potential for adopting this online resource across the Faculty  Some colleagues will be familiar with this technology after a presentation from Prof. Marva Barnett (University of Virginia) after the 2015 LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference.

The system relies on students bringing their own internet-enabled devices to class.  The pilot will also assess the practicalities of providing tablets loans to students who have no suitable ‘phone, tablet or laptop.  The pilot will run with first-year SPS students during 2015/16 and enquiries can be addressed to me in the first instance.



Dr Philip Denton BSc PhD PGCE PGCert SFHEA
Faculty Associate Dean (Education)

Lecturer in Physical Chemistry

Faculty of Science
James Parsons Building Byrom Street, Liverpool, L3 3AF
t: 01512312035 e:


Maintained by Philip Denton.  Last Update: 13/10/2015.