
The Learning, Teaching and Assessment Newsletter of the Faculty of Science, LJMU


stract #4.4


… to be no more than 523 words.

28th April 2020




I hope that this LTA newsletter finds you and your families well during the current period of COVID-19 lockdown

Online examination marking

At the end of last month, I circulated a set of tips to the Faculty’s Programme and Subject Leaders, based on suggestions from programmes and the Teaching and Learning Academy. These mainly related to exam preparation but there are a couple of tips relating to online exam marking that merit reinforcement:


For each Canvas Grades column being used to store exam marks, click in the header and ensure that the grade posting policy is manual so that marks remain hidden.


If more than one marker is accessing the same set of exam papers in Canvas Speedgrader, do not use rubrics to record marks for this reason. Instead, markers can annotate scripts with their marks: Testing indicates that this is stable even when two tutors are coincidentally marking the same document simultaneously.

Online teaching and assessment

The Teaching and Learning Academy is planning a series of staff training events given the potential for increased online learning activity in Semester 1 2020/21. Details are to be confirmed but, in the interim, I was made aware today of the following online training this week. All trainings will take place using Microsoft Teams.


Canvas Assignments and Rubrics, Wednesday 29th April 13:30 – 14:30


Panopto: use of video within teaching and learning, Thursday 30th April 14:00 – 15:00


Canvas Assignments and Rubrics, Friday 1st May, 11:00 – 12:00

Virtual laboratories

There is a possibility that normal laboratory work will be difficult during the academic year 2020/21. Colleagues may be aware of virtual laboratory resources, general science or discipline-specific, and I would be grateful if details could be sent to me p.denton@ljmu.acu.uk. These will be collated and added to a new virtual laboratories section of the LTA website.

Academic Calendar 2020/21

This has been published for 2020/21 and there are two principal changes from the pre-COVID 2019/20 calendar.


Teaching in Levels 3 and 4 commences Thursday Week Zero.


Directed Study Weeks have been replaced by Curriculum Enhancement Weeks. The starting position of the Faculty is that no teaching is scheduled in these weeks. It is perfectly permissible to schedule teaching during these weeks, indeed it is encouraged as it may relieve timetabling pressures. Our starting position is chosen so that it obliges programmes to make appropriate checks when teaching is scheduled. Faculty guidance is here.

Webinar recording: Students´ sense of self: Identity and belonging in HE, Rebecca Barnes, University of Sheffield (thanks to Virendra Mistry). This session was part of Share your Research, a programme of Online Webinars hosted by the Society for Research in Higher Education.

https://srhe.adobeconnect.com/pswj79fyfn3y password 120220

If you are aware of any teaching software that would have cross-School interest than please let me know so that we can explore a bid to the Library Management Fund. P.denton@ljmu.ac.uk

Phil Denton, Faculty of Science Associate Dean (Education)


Maintained by SCSADE@ljmu.ac.uk. Last Update: 28/04/2020.