
  The Learning, Teaching and Assessment Newsletter of the Faculty of Science, LJMU


stract #1.3

20th December 2016


 … to be no more than 730 words.

Faculty of Science Third Annual LTA Development Day 5th January 2017

Outlook invites for this event have been sent out and can be found in your Outlook calendar: 10-1500h on 5/1/17. Please respond by the end of this week so that catering can be arranged. This year’s even will be opened by PVC Education Prof Peter Byers and the full schedule is here.


Staff photographs and recording notified tutorial absences

FMT have approved a couple of tweaks to existing Faculty procedures for implementation in 2017.


Meetings with students outside of contact hours: In addition to advertising four hours of availability, the clip frame next to staff office doors should display a photo of the member of staff to assist students with familiarisation.


Tutorial attendance monitoring: If a student contacts their personal tutor before a tutorial to indicate that  they cannot attend for a specified reason then the paper attendance register should be marked ‘NA’ = notified absence.


One minute module evaluation (OMME)

Outcomes of this survey (that replaced In-form week) are available for Semester 1 and year-long modules. OMME is intended as a means to flag perceived issues at any early stage. There is no prospect of the OMME including prompts for free text responses as it would not then be possible to release the outcomes in a timely manner due to the need to redact the names of individuals. The informal gathering of student opinion would be needed if perceived issues were evident from OMME numerical responses.

OMME for Semester two modules opens on 15th February 2017 and closes on 26th February 2017.  There is a need for outcomes from OMME to be reported back to students before the start of end-of-module evaluation: 20th March for year-long modules and 3rd April for Semester 2 modules. This is best coordinated through programmes at Levels 4 to 7 and through modules at level 3.

The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change  

This is a relatively new UK journal, supported by Jisc and hosted by Greenwich University. Contributions written collaboratively by students and staff are encouraged: it might be a good place to publish outcomes of particularly successful curriculum enhancement internships, for example.  Another new journal, the International Journal for Students as Partners has a similar focus.

Miscellaneous learning technology items


Recovering deleted documents: This guide from ITS shows how this now can now be done without the need to contact helpdesk.


Projection facilities in classrooms: This tool allows the PC monitor and projection screen in classrooms to show different images, effectively behaving as a dual PC screen. I have not used this application but is of potentially of most use in rooms where both the monitor and projection screen are both visible from the natural lecturing position. On a related note, presentation issues in TRB146a/b have now been resolved.


Windows 10: A reminder that log-in times on recently-upgraded PCs can have extended boot-up times. This will always be true for PCs activated on Monday mornings after weekend shutdown. If you need to demonstrate how to use Excel, Word etc. on the PC in your office that is running an earlier version of Windows, the advice is to log-in to off-campus applications.


Student laptops and printing: The Student Social Zone will take delivery of an extra 27 bookable laptops and an extra follow-me printer in the New Year. The coin machines that allowed students to top up their virtual (printing purse) are being removed and replaced with an online credit system. This relies on bank transfers and time will tell how quickly student will be able to add funds to their virtual purse


Induction loops: All induction loops in our buildings have recently been checked and repaired where necessary. The AFILS (Audio Frequency Induction Loop system) is fitted in most buildings and requires students to turn their hearing aid to T or Telecoil. An alternative, infrared, system is fitted in the James Parson Upper and Lower Lecture Theatres. Portable loops will be available at the Byrom St reception desk and these loops have the instructions written on them. Any queries to Maria McShane in Estates.


Phil Denton, Faculty of Science Associate Dean (Education)


Maintained by SCSADE@ljmu.ac.uk. Last Update: 20/12/2016.