Coursework Return


Following on from the Faculty of Science Education Committee and discussions with regard to developing a process for returning coursework to students to potentially improve feedback from students with regard to us returning feedback in a timely manner, the Placement Learning Support Unit has proposed that given our previous experience of returning coursework with Graduate Skills feedback, we would be well placed to do this and already have a process in place that would support it.




·         Two attempts will be made by academics to return coursework to students through scheduled sessions. This will ensure that the coursework to be returned through the Unit is left overs rather than bulk.

·         The Unit will accept marked coursework/feedback and return it to students via Room 144.

·         Staff will be required to sort the work into alphabetical (by surname) order or numerical order where it is anonymised by student number, and place a printed class list on top.  Work should then be sent to room 144, James Parsons Building.

·         If there are large amounts to be transported it is advised that this is done through estate’s helpdesk maintenance request by phoning them on 0151 231 5533.

·         Work will be ticked off against the module list to determine which student’s work is present initially (this is to make sure any confusion is dealt with over whether a student has collected work or not when their name hasn’t been ticked).

·         The staff member in charge of the coursework should create a Blackboard Announcement or send an email to students to let them know the arrangements for collection. Suggested text: “Your work has been marked and feedback was returned promptly within 15 days. If you were absent from the session where your assignment was returned, your work can now be collected from the Placement Learning Support Unit, Room 144, James Parson Building, 9-4pm Monday to Friday. You will need your student card to collect your work.”

·         Students can drop in or contact the Unit to arrange an appointment, but should be made aware that if they do drop in and it is busy, or staff are out of the office, they may have to wait or return at another time.

·         We recommend that when students are only coming in specifically to collect their work, that they either make an appointment or call the office on the day to ensure someone will be available to give them their work. They can phone the office on 0151 231 2079 or email to make an appointment.

·         Students will be required to show their student ID card as proof of identity before being allowed to take coursework.

·         The printed module list will be ticked as student collect work: these records will then be kept until the start of the next academic year as proof of collection/non-collection.

·         Time/resources permitting, students will be emailed by the Unit to remind them to collect their work.

·         Coursework will be kept for 4 months after the relevant PAB as per LJMU Policy on the Retention and Destruction of Assessed Work and Examination Scripts, and then be destroyed.


Faculty of Science Placement Learning Support Unit


January 2017